“What It’s Like
to Have an Incarcerated Parent”
A research-based animation & discussion guide
“What It’s Like to Have an Incarcerated Parent” is the resulting animation and discussion guide developed by Youth for Youth. Youth for Youth is a youth participatory action research (YPAR) initiative with children of incarcerated parents (COIP) in the Cleveland area (ages 10-24). The group was formed to understand challenges faced by children of incarcerated parents and to identify strategies to address these challenges.
We conducted YPAR sessions, interviews, visual storytelling, free writing/journaling, participant observation, and group discussions to understand youth perspectives and worked with a Youth Advisory Board throughout the project to guide analysis, findings, and advocacy planning.
These findings indicate that parental/caregiver incarceration has negative impacts on children’s social and emotional well-being, especially on their mental health. However, the findings also highlight the ways in which young people and families continue to flourish in the face of adversity.
The youth participants would like to see strategies that address root causes of poverty, racism, and incarceration, as well as comprehensive support for mental health and well-being. Below is a video and discussion guide, informed by Youth for Youth, to help structure conversations around these issues.
Watch here.
For Discussion:
After viewing the video above, we encourage you to use the following discussion guide to engage in a dialogue around the film.